Neck Pain

Your neck is responsible for supporting the full weight of your head, which is on average about 12 pounds for an adult. While the neck can move your head in many directions, especially at the top, this flexibility makes the neck very susceptible to pain and injury.

When your neck is misaligned, you may exhibit one or more of a variety of symptoms

like: pain in one or both sides of the neck, decreased motion in the neck, a sensation of pins and needles in an arm or shoulder when turning the head that direction or pain spreading into the back of the head.

Common Causes of Neck Pain

  • Poor posture and spinal alignment 
  • Degeneration in the neck - arthritis, stenosis, degenerative disc disease
  • Accidents and injuries - cars, sports, etc
  • Repetitive stress or overuse
  • Bad ergonomics - sitting at computers, driving for long periods of time, sleeping on your stomach

The Chiropractic Approach

The most common cause of neck pain is mechanical in nature and chiropractic is very effective at addressing this cause and relieving the pain. The gentle techniques that we use in the office don't involve any twisting, popping or cracking of the neck and spine. Patients typically are surprised at the gentleness and effectiveness of our approach as their neck pain decreases.

Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation with the Doctor.
